Interested in joining?
We welcome all people interested in safe cruise sailing. Our members include many old hands and also some not so old sailors, with years of experience in cruise yachting. Many of our members are families with children. We welcome families, so don't be put off, come in and join.
Beginers, wishing to learn the art of cruise sailing in a helpful, safe and friendly environment are most welcome. We do not race, we just do family cruise sailing in mainly enclosed waters such as the Gippsland Lakes, Westernport and/or Port Phillip Bay. Although our more experienced members often go to far off places like the Whitsundays, Fraser Island and other cruising grounds. Accordingly our fees are very modest and affordable to all, especially families. As per the name of the boat in the header photograph, it's only "Small Change."
All membership proposals must be made by completing a 'membership proposal form.' The membership proposal form may be conveniently completed online.
Alternatively, you may download the membership proposal form in Adobe PDF format, print it at home and send it to the Membership Secretary in the mail.
If you choose to download the proposal form "Click Here to download the form" .
While you are at it, have a read of our constitution by "Clicking Here" and print it for future reference if you like.
If you have any inquiries please contact our membership secretary by email:
You may apply on line and pay your joining fee via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).
If you pay your joining fee by EFT please include the following details when making payment.
The word "New" followed by your "Surname" eg. "New Morrison"
** If you prefer to apply via land mail, please download the application form.
Simply complete the form and complete, attach a cheque or money order for $70 and send to:
Tony Pitt, BTYC Membership Secretary
760 Shady Creek Rd